Amy Gracia
West House
Topic: Independent Bakery Distribution
Essential Question: What is most important to running a successful bakery distribution company?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Independent Study 1

1. 11/20: Zebra cake- 4 hrs. 1/29: Baked bread- 2 hrs of labor. 2/2: Star cake- 4 hrs. 2/8: Baked bread-2 hrs. 2/9: Baked Brownies- 1 hr. Additional Service learning: Saturday's 8-12.


3. Literal 
a) I, Amy Gracia, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) I am doing additional service learning hours, and my total right now is 72 hours. I am also baking different cakes for birthdays and other goods in my free time. I have also been learning and baking bread as part of my science fair project. Although it takes 2 days to bake bread, the labor time is only about 2 hours.

For the cakes, the time comes from the decorating part. That takes time, and it is also a learning process. The more practice at it, the better you will get. At my service learning, they sometimes allow me to roll the dough.  I am doing a step in the baking process, and that has also helped me for when I am making my own bread.

This has helped me with my EQ because I'm learning hands on techniques of how to bake as well as decorate. Discovering the best techniques is essential to defining my answer of having a quality product. So now, I hope that when I define what a quality product is, I can use what I learned from my independent task as a personal experience to support it. 


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