Amy Gracia
West House
Topic: Independent Bakery Distribution
Essential Question: What is most important to running a successful bakery distribution company?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Senior Project Reflection

PART I: Two-Hour Presentation
(1) Two-Hour Presentation Student Assessment

P+, because I met all the requirements for the content and activity, but I exceeded the expectations for the creativity.
(2) What are you most proud of in your 2 hour presentation and why?

I am most proud of the way my room decorations turned out and the reactions I got from the class for my room and presentation. I'm also happy that everyone participated with all my activities. 
PART II: Overall Senior Project Experience

(3) What do you think you did well on in the project? What could you have done better? Please explain.
My service learning because it is where I learned the most and supported my answers through my experiences. I could have gotten perspectives from different bakeries and bakery owners instead of focusing all year on just one.

(4) What is your EQ and what is the best answer to your EQ? 
What is most important to running a successful bakery distribution company? Having a quality product and consistency. 

(5) How has the last month of culminating events (e.g I-Search, Two-Hour, Exit etc) affected your answer to your EQ? Has it changed? Why or why not? 
The answers to my essential question were further defined and went into more detail. For the I-Search paper I had to think about where exactly my answers came from. This helped me remember my experiences at the bakery and apply the things I did to my answers. 

(6) What suggestions do you have in order to improve the senior project?
I think the final projects at the end (creative expression, I-search, exit interview, service learning and 2 hour) should try and be spread out a little more. 

(7) Overall Senior Project Assessment


P, because I've meet the requirements for everything throughout the year. 


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