Amy Gracia
West House
Topic: Independent Bakery Distribution
Essential Question: What is most important to running a successful bakery distribution company?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

5-Minute Presentation Reflection

What would you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?
I think what stood out the most was where my information came from. My interviewee has a long history in baking, and I was able to teach the class what I learned from her. I think that might have made my presentation a little more interesting because it came from my experience of working with her, instead of only research anyone could have looked up on their own.

What was the most challenging to do why?
I think the most challenging thing was trying to make sure I hit all the main points within the time. I was worried I would go over the 5 minutes so I might have gone through it too quick, looking over key points that could have enhanced my presentation.


the struggle said...

I don't think you went quick. The more hours the better with working with your service learning person. But, there is some print resources that should help you build some foundation, particularly on the business end.

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