Amy Gracia
West House
Topic: Independent Bakery Distribution
Essential Question: What is most important to running a successful bakery distribution company?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Topic Choice

What is your topic?
My topic is owning your own bakery and product distribution.

Why did you choose this topic?
I chose this topic because I'm interested in business, and want to know what it takes to run one of your own. To make my topic more specific I chose the business to be a bakery, because I've always been interested in the "behind the scenes" of all those distinctive breads and pastries. I also want to direct my project toward the distribution of the bakery goods, because this is how many smaller or independent bakeries become success.

What do you hope to accomplish after studying this topic all year?
I am hoping to find out if this could be a possible career choice for me. By learning more about it and being involved in a lot of different areas within my topic I hope to find out if this is something I would enjoy doing full time.


the struggle said...

I am glad you started this in the summer. Good topic idea! What about taking some business classes?

Amy G. said...

Yes, I'm trying to find some kind of business class I could take at Cal Poly. Would a Hotel and Restaurant Management class work? I'm also planning to take a community business class in Fontana.

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